tisdag 18 februari 2014


I wanted to see this movie a few months ago in the theaters, but never got around to it. It was recently released on Netflix and yesterday, I saw it. I can't stop thinking about it. This movie has all I need. Friendship, love, betrayal, fantastic scenery, and amazing actors. But the best of it - a seemingly complex and controversial situation is portrayed as something natural and beautiful. Life goes on. Naomi Watts and Robin Wright have the main leads and these two actresses are fantastic on their own, but in this movie, every scene with the two of them together is amazing. 

The movie is set on the east coast of Australia and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. The movie made me wonder why I'm not living in Australia in a wooden house by the beach. And it made me look forward to my late 40's. If you see it, you'll know why. 

torsdag 6 februari 2014

Vinternattens köld

Vinten gick från svinkallt och rått, till svinkallt och snö. Det är min tredje vinter i Nevvan, men kan inte minnas att det har varit så kallt och ihållande som i år. Härligt!